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Justice in life

3:11 AM
According to Genesis 26:1, there was once a great famine in the land of Israel. For many months there was a drought that turned the region into a wasteland. A young man named Isaac was about to pack up and move to another place. But God said, “No, Isaac. I don’t want you to leave there. I’m blessing you right where you are.”
Isaac obeyed God’s command and planted his fields. The Philistines who lived there didn’t like Isaac and were already jealous of him. This added fuel to their fire and their ridicule of him. But Isaac, whose name means “laughter,” just stayed in peace.
Several months later, all those who had mocked and criticized Isaac were amazed to see his fields. They couldn’t believe it.
The Scripture says that Isaac “reaped in the same year a hundredfold” (Genesis 26:12) more than he planted right there in the midst of the famine.
Isaac’s critics were dumbfounded, but he knew God had set the table and blessed him.
God wants to bless you right where you are.
At some point, you may be tempted to run from a bad situation, but I want you to have a new perspective. You do not have to leave in order to be blessed. God wants to bless you right where you are.
Part of His vindication is promoting you so the opposition can see it. Your attitude should be: They may be laughing now, but I know this challenge is preparing the way for God to promote me. They meant it to hold me down, but God will use it to thrust me forward!
You may be dealing with critics, naysayers, backbiters, backstabbers, those who are jealous and who say you’ll never make it. Let me assure you that God will give them a clear view of your table. He’ll make sure they see you promoted, honored, and accomplished.
Let God be your avenger. Let God right your wrongs. If you let Him do the avenging, you will always come out better. He will even cause your enemies to end up shaking your hand. They may be laughing now, but know this: God is faithful. In the end, you will have the last laugh. He will bring justice into your life.


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